Monday, February 14, 2011

A Whole lot of love

Someone commented yesterday that they couldn't live with Sally. Because "she's a whole lotta dog" (WLD).
In this house we don't really pick dogs, dogs pick us. Just the way it's happened over the years and to be honest, so far it's worked out pretty well. If I had been in a place to pick a dog Sally's sister Sophie would have joined us before Sally even came to us. Timing is everything though and my little pick of puppy from that litter is off living with another sports, training oriented person. Sophie is a WLD too. Her human likes a WLD. She lives with an aussie too. Anybody who lives with an aussie by choice has my undying respect! (I'm quite ok with Sophie living elsewhere as otherwise Sally wouldn't be in our life and I really cannot imagine life without Sally now).

A whole lotta dog comes with a whole lot of work. There is piece of wisdom out there that you are always training a dog even if you don't realize it. WLDs are probably how this wisdom came into being. Doing something once with Brody means he will start thinking about it and repeat it if given a chance. Doing something once with Sally means it's in her repotoire (no matter if it's good or bad). Brody and Sally are both super smart dogs. Both are joyful to live with but not always easy to live with. For example; Brody does not believe in sleeping in. EVER. Sally is intense enough that unless she is asleep she is watching me. With
those eyes. even if she is playing with Sampson I can interupt her game simply by looking at her or moving in my chair. She does sleep though. Honestly. She curls up into a cute little ball and crashes. She doesn't bark at home nearly as much as at agility. (Though last night when we were watching TV she did feel obligated to tell off the fox that was being profiled. Sally often watches TV with us).

A WLD comes with a whole lot of love too. Sally does literal somersaults if she gets focused attention including body rubs. Sally loves sharing the couch or lying along side a person in bed. She thrives on contact and work and attention.

We live in a house full of love though. Brody is thrilled when either of us gets home from work or when are about to work. Sampson values any kind of attention as does Thea when she's spending time with us. Cats, rabbits, parrots - all thrive on interactions; both with us and with each other. We are very very lucky. Happy Valentine's Day to all - may your day and year be filled with a WLL :)

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