Sunday, November 04, 2007

pictures of the agile crew doing what they love to do

Top picture is Brody - 7 years old and a real troooper - he likes agility just fine but he LOVES making me happy. We started trialing in April and he has earned himself starters "qs" in everything but team and snookers (snookers has been very close a couple of times) advanced qs in jumpers and one standard. In CPE he has earned 15 qs in 17 outings - and if I had been on the game he would be 17/17!
Little Thea isn't sure this is the game for her but she's just started out and has a lovely collection of ribbons anyhow - we'll take it slowly with her and just enjoy the game!
Miss Sally hasn't even really started yet but already she's frighteningly good! This picture is her LEAPING at her very first trial ever- a CPE trial which she found fun and the crowd found her entertaining too! She was a bit wild but settled as the weekend progressed and did some just incredible work.

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