Wednesday, July 27, 2011

nearly wordless wednesday - what GOOFY dawgs!

Yup I've probably allowed my dogs to be wrecked for life ... this lasted about 3 minutes  max.and was the silliest, most fun thing I've ever had my lousy phone camera in my hand for. On a + note Quiz is now very happily doing tunnels. (she also hopped over a 6 inch jump following Brody - brave, nutty needs a new home puppy)      

Silly silly dogs

umm yes Sampson is BITING the tunnel- there's a habit I didn't encourage

double dog dare yah says Sally

MY TUNNEL  ... what a dog, a whole lot of dog!

Run SUCKERS run...


Helen said...

Tunnel fun, what fun!!!

Muttsandaklutz said...

Love those photos -- those two sure know how to have fun!