Imagine a life so hard done by that you have to lie in a window sill? Brody is not what I'd call a good sharer. He took one look at his bed and saw Sampson beside it and moved on to
his couch. His couch currently has two dogs and two cats on it. He looked at the chairs he will occasionally grace with his presence and decided they wouldn't do. So he moved into the window sill. Carefully made enough room for himself and crashed. He cracks me up.
Totally adorable :)
that looks the best place in the house to snooze, thank you for calling by and thank you for joining in my giveaway
guess we know who's king... :)
What a little sweetie! At least he knows no one will be able to steal his spot!
Hey Brody - get your fuzzy butt over to my blog - you won in my Dog Blog giveaway - details on how to get your prize are there
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