Right on the necklace is a great quote "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." Aesop . Fitting for so many of my agility friends ...
On another, unrelated, note Sally jumped off our deck this week. It was about a 7 foot drop. She landed upright and kept going but I tell you my heart STOPPED. Talk about bold .. and crazy and such a Sally thing to do. Of course it was the short cut to her ball - nothing like an obsessive bc (mix in her case) to demonstrate drive! She didn't stop for a second to think about it - grabbed her ball and raced back to me - I was careful to throw it obviously down the stairs for the rest of fetch time.
brace yourself - the dandilions are scary
here is her drop - she didn't even touch the railing - just flung herself over it ... YIKES

Oh that must have been scary! Glad she's fine though.
Hey I love dandelions. There's no such things as weeds, just wildflowers ;-)
I agree with you I love how pretty they are and my small animals love eating them too ...
life with Sally is generally scary - I'm starting to just accept that!
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