Saturday was lovely again.. the weather gods were smiling at us :)
Our first run was jackpot (gambles in aac) not Brody's strong suit so I planned an opening to get minimum points to get some momentum built for the day .. and felt the gamble was doable for him
we did a nice opening but when I pushed him a little to get the tunnel away from me he actually pushed WAYYYYYYY out and got the far end... an error of enthusiam is something I can celebrate though - I was thrilled with our NQ (no qualifying score run) and pleasantly shocked by our second place... I guess a lot of dogs struggled with the gamble
Then we headed out to the standard ring - Brody got SUCKED into to two tunnels - choosing them over the a frame. TWICE! I was shocked...except I couldn't really blame him - it was HOT and the tunnel takes a lot of work from Brody. He did it immediately and ran a lovely course - including the weaves apart from that. He placed second again as only dog qualified at his level in this class.
Our final run was jumpers. We were back inside and we both like jumpers so we simply FLEW the course- fast and clean and I was thrilled with his Q and first place!
It was another LONG day so we went back to the motel for a bit, tidied up and headed out for dinner. We to Findleys on Sharon's recommendation but sadly it wasn't as good as Bob Evans.
Oh wow, AAC Regionals and CPE Nationals, and tons of success in both -- Big Congrats to you and Brody! You must be so proud of your little dude. :-) Great job all around. Sounds like it was a lot of fun.
I am humbled by the little dude - he came into the shelter not playing, aloof, unhappy and miserable ..he has given me everything I ask him to give and so much more
He has done humane education work, tv gigs, was in a major stage play in Toronto and is my TOTAL rock star
" hey you get your game on- go play" or whatever the exact lyric is - he is so generous and teaches me so much even with his serious disposition
he owes me NADA at thsi point and he will continue to give.. he wows me
thanks for the YAY tho - I am indeed proud of him!
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